A global financial services company offering a broad range of retirement, life and reinsurance products had recently been spun off from a Fortune 100 financial services company. Since the spin off, the client had grown rapidly and was looking to further improve its operations in Business Continuity Planning (BCP), Crisis Management, and Cybersecurity while increasing data driven assessment and process automation. The client had earlier established a BCP strategy with our support and as the next step, sought to quantify and qualify the operational and financial impacts of potential risks by implementing a Business Impact Analyses (BIA) process.
Satori Solution
We worked with the client’s SAAS solution for Business Continuity Planning to develop a BIA questionnaire. We then developed awareness materials to socialize Process Taxonomy and get organizational sign-off on the PT. Finally, we engaged business stakeholders to perform BIA
The result of the BIAs enabled the client to establish critical functions, people and process inter dependencies and set recovery priorities.